The Bull of Dalal Street is an Ullu original dramatical web series based on a true story which shows the journey of a small town poor boy Harshil Mehra who came to Bombay to show his quality in a big city.

The lead role of Harshil Mehra played by Iqbal Khan who comes to Bombay to become a rich and successful person for that he had done many jobs along with his studies, however the aim of Harshil is to enter any how in Bombay Stock Exchange and to learn a lot of things from the market.

Along with his job he started investing in stock market and gets a loss so he started learning everything about the stock market that how it runs with a bull face.

The learning of Harshil came to an end and he opened his own company in stock exchange with the help of his lady boss who helped Harshil by teaching the tricks of the market and that shows how the poor boy from a small town would be a rich and successful businessman in such a less period of time.

When he had achieved almost everything in his life he gets married to his stunning lady boss and started exploring new opportunities with the help of politicians and corporaters and becomes the biggest Tycoon of Stock Exchange and made thousands crores from stock market.

The Bull of Dalal Street is somehow correlates to an incident of biggest ever scam of Stock Exchange held in 1992.


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