A ZEE5 Original Shukranu webseries Hui Emotion ki Nasbandi is a Hindi Comedy Film inspired by true events. Shukranu is a based on serious subject showed through a webseries in a comedy way. Shukranu starring Divyendu Sharma, Shweta Basu Prasad, and Sheetal Thakur. The film is produced by Reliance Entertainment and directed by Bishnu Dev Halder. Inder who is a common man undergoes forced sterilisation (Nasbandi) just after his marriage during the emergency rule by the government of India 1976. Inder aka Divyendu Sharma was all set to marry Reema aka Shweta Basu Prasad things take a tragic turn when he was forcefully taken to hospital by other men on a bus where he goes through a vasectomy forcibly which is a permanent contraception after which he cannot do sexual intercourse. During the first week of their marriage people's are getting to know that nothing has happened between them. Inder was not able to confess what was happened with him in front of his family. As it wo...